The Review Process

Submitted Manuscript will be initially over viewed by editorial review board to determine whether they broadly meet the requirement of the Journal, and this process will be completed within 10 days. After the initial editorial review, the papers that are appropriate in terms of scope of the journal and meet minimum quality expectations are considered eligible for peer-review. The minimum criteria for acceptability for publication in NURTURE include originality, validity of data, clarity of writing, strength of the conclusions, and potential importance of the work.

Authors of “eligible for peer-review” papers are required to submit processing fee, plagiarism report, grammar check report, author’s contribution verification. After the fulfilment of these requested papers is sent to 2-3 reviewers for double-blind review. Once all the review reports are received depending of the review’s reports papers are examined by the editors to make a decision. At this stage reviewed papers are either rejected, accepted, or kept under consideration – i.e. given an opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments. Acceptance or rejection of paper under consideration after first review is subject to satisfactory resolution of the concerns raised by reviewers.

Authors of the accepted papers are informed about the editor’s decision and are required to pay the publication charges. Editing for language and consistency is done once publication charges are received. Issues identified during the in-house final editing are shared with the authors for resolution. Once all identified issues re-resolve the formatting of the paper is done and formatted ep risen to the authors for proofreading. The decision about publication in any issue depends on the sequence in the queue of paper that has been proofread.

The time required for the review process depends on the availability of reviewers, quality, and quickness of the responses from reviewers and authors during the review process.

Copyright and Licensing
Copyrights for articles are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors have rights to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles after publication. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Galley Proofs: Uncorrected galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for return within 72 hours. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of these proofs. Correction other than printing errors should be kept to a bare minimum. Rewriting is totally unacceptable.